
This test case is to validate that the MME is capable of doing an Initial CIoT attach with control plane CIoT optimizations enabled.

The CIoT devices use small data transmissions for ultra-low complexity and the data rate is very low as the CIoT UEs have power constraints. However, the number of CIoT devices that try to connect the network is very high, with the data size per device being small.

This test case is to validate that the MME is capable of doing an Initial CIoT attach with control plane CIoT optimizations enabled.

CIOT UEs are simulated by ABot when CSGN Core is the System-Under-Test but ABot can also simulate any component of the CSGN core and test a peer node. In this test case a CIoT specific UE is successfully attached to CIOT capable EPC, without PDN connectivity, and the UE then moves to ECM-Connected State

The scenario executed is S1AP Initial UE CIOT Attach without Security.

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