
Insert Subscriber Data procedure, is used to add or modify the HSS user profile in the MME. Here, Operator Modifies UE Subscription profile in HSS modifying EPS subscribed QoS (QCI, ARP) and the subscribed UE-AMBR and APN-AMBR, with UE-AMBR Modified only. So, The HSS Initiated Subscribed QoS Modification Procedure ends after completion of the UE Context Modification Procedure. The MME sends the Modify Bearer Command message to the Serving GW. The EPS Bearer Identity identifies the default bearer of the affected PDN connection. The PDN GW informs the PCRF about the updated EPS Bearer QoS and APNAMBR. The PCRF sends new updated PCC decision to the PDN GW. This corresponds to the PCEF-initiated IP-CAN Session Modification procedure.

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