ABot can be seamlessly deployed in the CI-CD pipeline like Jenkins. Using Jenkins an NFV orchestrator like ONAP, Cloudify, Juju, etc is installed and this is then used to deploy ABot test engines along with third-party test tool or traffic generator and the SUT.
ABot can be seamlessly deployed in the CI-CD pipeline like Jenkins. Using Jenkins an NFV orchestrator like ONAP, Cloudify, Juju, etc is installed and this is then used to deploy ABot test engines along with third-party test tool or traffic generator and the SUT. The pre-packaged test cases of ABot are deployed and invoked using the CI-CD engine for validation of the SUT. ABot offers a mechanism for easy configuration and selection of tests. System-level call flows are executed on the target network service. Detailed test execution reports are published for user-acceptance. System logs and packet captures can be downloaded for advanced troubleshooting.
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