ABot can simulate microservices of EPC or 5GC nodes distributed over an edge and core cloud. Some mobility VNFs and the User Plane Function, if installed in edge network cloud, can facilitate use cases which requires low latency and high turnaround time can be implemented by network operators.
ABot can simulate microservices of EPC or 5GC nodes distributed over an edge and core cloud. Some mobility VNFs and the User Plane Function, if installed in edge network cloud, can facilitate use cases which requires low latency and high turnaround time can be implemented by network operators. Positioning ABot stacks with these MVNFs distributed in edge and core cloud helps in faster validation and deployment. ABot can be deployed on any Cloud Platform with the help of an orchestrator, like MANO, Juju, Coludify, Open-O, etc. ABot Analytics Engine can be installed in cloud for maturity analysis of VNFs onboarded.
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